Gallery M exists since 2001. You can find us at the address Glavna 18, TC Zemunikum local 7.
The quality of our art gallery is best told by the suggestions of satisfied visitors. We have a rich selection of art paintings and objects, as well as original Ohrid pearls. We operate from the headquarters in the center of Belgrade.
Applied art makes the use of everyday objects more beautiful and gives them a special, priceless value.
In Gallery M you can find handmade, unique jewelry of different techniques for everyone's taste. We offer art paintings, objects, as well as original Ohrid pearls.
Unique processing, unique motifs and top quality, hand-dyed scarves and scarves, as a fashion detail, can be an ideal gift for yourself or a loved one, and handmade lamps made of natural materials will give any space a special touch.
Buying art can be an exciting adventure and a source of enjoyment for years to come. The key to success is recognizing what type of art will meet your needs.
Paintings can enliven a space and bring a special atmosphere, sculptures can give depth and a new dimension, and handmade objects can add uniqueness to your home. If you can't decide, we can help you.
Whether you're shopping for yourself or others, we'll make sure your selection is perfectly suited, creative and beautifully packaged!
Original, authentic, handmade souvenirs made of ceramics, wood and glass will further enhance your gift.
We operate in the very center of Belgrade.
For additional information, visit us or view our website.
Ukoliko ste zainteresovani za proizvode i usluge firme, ostavite upit i dobićete odgovor u najkraćem mogućem roku. Upit će biti vidljiv na portalu
Produkcija pozorišnih predstava Sremska Mitrovica Beograd
Улица Иришка 18, 22000 Sremska Mitrovica
Edukacija i sertifikacija kadrova u zavarivanju kontrolisanje i ispitavanje materijala i zavarenih spojeva i inženjering Beograd
Milana Rakića 35, 11000 Beograd
Kulturno prosvetna zajednica Žitište
Cara Dušana 5, 23210 Žitište
Oceni preduzeće i napiši svoj utisak o saradnji.